Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Central Grove park ( La Alameda Central) and saying bye.

(Alameda) Night Lights 
The Central Grove Park (Alameda central) the park receive that name by the tree kind that most be there. But from the beginning the Poplar trees was changed for ash trees but keep the name until our time. The Alameda was founded around 1592, by a viceroy Luis de Velasco, and through the time be transforming and was had the good and the bad times in The Alameda was even a place for young people get a couple and change to the worst time a place for prostitution. But after the last restyling was change in a save place again, and was remove the prostitutes in the park area. And made it a grate space to get a fun time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


The museums in Mexico city are to much, just in the center of the city we can find more than twenty in the area around the main square (zócalo). But are much more than that. In this time, I will offer you a short list about what we can find about museums near to Mexico city main square(zócalo).

For the beginning I´ll recommend you to visit that one that we check in our last comment. specially “The Main Temple museum (museo del Templo Mayor)”.

But wen we finish that one, we can choose one of this other alternatives.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Downtown Mexico know it by the locals as zocalo, is even know as the constitution square, first square. Is the zero km in Mexico the place from where start all measurements. As the ancient Mexicans named “the center of the navel of the moon”. Well as that our adventure will begin here in the cosmogony center of the antique Mexico.

Mexico city, is today and from it first times, one of the biggest cities in the world, but even one of the more complex place to live. With all that problems typical of a big city, Mexico city is even a grate variety owner, we can find any adventure kind for good and not so good. But that is the cost to live in a big people conglomeration.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mexico a place to enjoy

Mexico is a big multicultural country, with a grate and interesting places quantity to enjoy in a free time. In Mexico we can find a multiple attractions kinds. Beaches, archaeological places, deserts, forest, jungle, and in the cities, museums, parks, playgrounds, theatres, cinemas, antique buildings, discotheque, bars, night-centres, and to many others places to have a grate experience in day or night.

Mexico city, is the Mexico capital, and the beginning of our tour over this multicultural and history full country Mexico.

We will consider that if is true that Mexico have bin some problems about crime, it´s even true that if we restrict, our moves out off the conflict zones we most not have any problems in our visit. Any way here I will talk about that places that can be consider save for visit. And we will start in Mexico city, each week I will bring to you at least one or two interesting places to meet if you decide come to visit Mexico.