Sunday, May 1, 2016


Downtown Mexico know it by the locals as zocalo, is even know as the constitution square, first square. Is the zero km in Mexico the place from where start all measurements. As the ancient Mexicans named “the center of the navel of the moon”. Well as that our adventure will begin here in the cosmogony center of the antique Mexico.

Mexico city, is today and from it first times, one of the biggest cities in the world, but even one of the more complex place to live. With all that problems typical of a big city, Mexico city is even a grate variety owner, we can find any adventure kind for good and not so good. But that is the cost to live in a big people conglomeration.

The legend talk about an eagle eating a snake over a nopal. And that was a signal for the city foundation, that was why there in the Cathedral side we can find the rest of the Aztecs main temple. Now a site museum, that most be one place that can´t lack on any trip to Mexico.

The main temple (templo mayor), was the center in the center of the Aztec world. And in the museum we will to live a trip through the time from the ancient Mexican world, to the Spaniard conquer time. And don´t go to Nowhere, because if we cross the street we can find the Cathedral, the new main temple building by the Spanish using the rocks from the Aztecs mine temple side by side incorporating the Aztecs gods spirits into the new religion with a new god bring it by the Spaniard. To conquer even the natives souls. The Cathedral is one of the most important historic building in Mexico city not just because is the mine temple, and one, that is named by U.N.O. as the mankind heritage. Is it to an incredible beautiful building looking just as an artistic work. Even the metropolitan sanctuary complete the whole catholic set in this block. But if we turn back between the Aztec main temple and the cathedral we can find an antique Mexican city model, a nice and interesting representation from the old time, before the Spaniard arrive. And just a few steps a Mexican food museum. All that and we don´t really move yet.

If we decide take a tour over the Mexico city downtown, we can get an interesting experience. And don´t forget to visit the national place building. That have a museum and some interesting murals if you really enjoy the historic art trip. In fact all around the zocalo we can enjoy many different historic buildings and we can find museums all around, to have a good time for many days, just in this short area.

In the next time we will speak a little more about the different buildings in the zocalo area, and start to move around the city to know others place and more specificity reviewing of each one.

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