Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Central Grove park ( La Alameda Central) and saying bye.

(Alameda) Night Lights 
The Central Grove Park (Alameda central) the park receive that name by the tree kind that most be there. But from the beginning the Poplar trees was changed for ash trees but keep the name until our time. The Alameda was founded around 1592, by a viceroy Luis de Velasco, and through the time be transforming and was had the good and the bad times in The Alameda was even a place for young people get a couple and change to the worst time a place for prostitution. But after the last restyling was change in a save place again, and was remove the prostitutes in the park area. And made it a grate space to get a fun time.

The Alameda central like many other places in Mexico are a nice place full of history and beauty but as many ones have one big problem. Mexico is not the safer place in the world. The situation is complicated,. In the last hours some thing remember me why I´m stop to trip around Mexico. And because of that I will stop to write about that with a recommendation for any one that read me. If you are thinking to come to Mexico for vacation. Do it, but take your government recommendation seriously.
Alameda Central

If they talk you that some place in Mexico is unsaved don´t go to that part of Mexico. Because in Mexico you will find a beautiful country, because Mexico is in to much ways like a paradise. But in many other is like a hell. Mexico is a great place to visit, taking with some cares. But is not the best place to live, sadly.

If you come I hope you enjoy it your time here. But take care, be careful. And come back safe to your country.

Now I said bye. And invite you to read me in my new blog ( where I will write about my other passion. The Cars.

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